How Beautiful Am I

Way more beautiful than you think._natural_beauty


We constantly analyse and criticize the features we have that we do not like, and thus blow it out of proportion in our heads. It becomes a voice of its own that weighs us down; some are permanent victims of this voice, while some constantly battle with the voice. How beautiful do I think you are ?

It shouldn’t matter. In the year 2004 Dove initiated the “Real Beauty” campaign, where women were invited for an experiment and it was confirmed that how people most often see themselves is a far cry from how the rest of the world sees them.

It is because of this that many find it so hard to accept or believe a compliment, and so easy to forget their best features. We have conditioned ourselves by the opinion of biased people around, and what the society considers beautiful.

A queen should learn to see herself as such, focus on her natural beauty and her best features, appreciate what she has and build on the essence that matters most; inner beauty. Strive to perfect herself within herself, embracing and bringing forward the best of her.

What is beauty after all, but perception.

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