Our champion diver, first of her name in the whole wide world, is Kristen Hayden. She is the first female of African descent, to win the national diving championship title in USA. Her story is an inspiration to every African all over the world. She shared that though getting this far was tough, she persevered. Therefore if she can, anyone can.

Kristen began her struggle in school with two diagnosis of learning disorders. Her academic life was terrible too. So she threw all her frustrations and hopes into diving. It made her feel good about herself.

So, Hayden used her devotion to diving to improve and push herself. Till she became a student-member of Indiana State University diving team. Then won the diving title with her mixed synchronized 3-metre-dive in 2021. Thus making her not only the first African woman in the world to win a diving title, the only one so far.

Also, our champion diver is a contributing author to “Dear Rebel”, a book that shares the struggles and victories of successful women. It aims to encourage young girls world over, to pursue their dreams in spite of trials.

In addition, Kristen initiated a swimsuit drive where she gave free swimsuits to everyone in need of one. This move of hers was to ease some financial issues connected with water sports.

In conclusion, Kristen Hayden who was diagnosed with two learning disorders, graduated with a degree in Liberal Studies, from Indiana State University with a 3.99 GPA. And was top thirty honoree of NCAA Woman of The Year 2023.

Our champion diver, dived into aquatic and academic success. Do drop a heart in the comments section for this amazing conqueror.

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